Returns & Refund
If you change your mind at any stage, whether it is before your order has been dispatched or within 30 days of you receiving your order, you are entitled to a full refund.
You can cancel your order immediately up to the point of dispatch. Or alternatively you have 30 days from the day you receive your order, to change your mind and receive an exchange or full refund.
All refunds will be refunded back to you in the manner in which you paid for the goods. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible; this can take up to 5-7 working days depending on your own bank.
On a rare occasion, that a wine is not showing its true character, is flawed or spoiled in some way, we will provide an immediate replacement free of charge, without question.
For any queries on the above please contact us by email or by phone on 021-4296060
Sale or Return
Save yourself the embarrassment of running out of wine. Play it safe, simply purchase your wines on a sale or return basis, we’ll calculate the total value of the goods and refund the price you paid for any returns.
How much do I need??
Work on 6 glasses per bottle – generally allow for 3 glasses per person for dinner. An even split of 50/50 red & white is best. For champagne and sparkling wine, allow for 8 glasses per bottle. One glass per person for the toast should suffice & then it’s up to you whether you would like to offer guests on arrival at the reception, this generally works out at 2 glasses per person.
How many different wines will I need?
The great thing about weddings is that they bring together people of all ages and tastes. When it comes to the menu and the wine that can also be one of the worries – our advice is…KEEP IT SIMPLE!